(561) 764-4041 [email protected]








The Joshua S. Horton Law Firm has been involved in many landmark trials and decisions. Joshua Horton has made many headlines and has been interviewed by newspapers, law journals and television stations. In representing his clients he has garnered the attention of a number of media outlets and other law firms in the process.


After hitting ‘rock bottom,’ some addicts and alcoholics find a road to recovery

“Serving others was imperative for my own recovery,” he says. “It gave me something to live for and aspire to.”

Attorney Josh Horton Featured in Washington Post Article

Josh Horton, an attorney at the Romano Law Group in West Palm Beach, was featured in an article by the Washington Post titled “After hitting ‘rock bottom,’ some addicts and alcoholics find a road to recovery.”

Meet Joshua Horton: Ole Miss law student overcomes odds, fights to make difference

This is a story you won’t be able to forget. About a man whose name you will want to try and remember.
2023 – New Year, New Beginnings, New Staff, Thriving Practice…

2023 – New Year, New Beginnings, New Staff, Thriving Practice…

Happy New Year’s and welcome to 2023!!! 2022 was a tough year of growth, learning, trial, and error. But it wasn’t all bad. This firm was founded at the onset of Covid in 2020. We have tripled in size, client base, and recovery for our clients every year since. Covid changed the way Law is Practiced, and we have adapted accordingly. Here at Joshua Horton Law, we believe in adapting or dying. With the rate at which our world is shrinking and expanding in ways never seen before, one has no choice. Old, antiquated thinking and approaches must be discarded while not losing the wisdom of experience and not fixing things that aren’t broken… Read more…

Solar Panel Fraud Lawyer Florida

Solar Panel Fraud Lawyer Florida

Solar panel installations for your home or business can seem like a fantastic opportunity to renovate your home, save money, and help the environment. Solar panels are a form of renewable energy that can help to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and combat global warming. The use of renewable energy, including solar power, has been growing in recent years as more and more people and organizations recognize the need to transition away from fossil fuels to combat climate change.